Prediction studies

From 2011 to 2013, the Technology Platform “Medicine of the Future”, implemented a project to create a network of industry prediction centers of scientific and technological development in the leading Russian universities on the priority “Life sciences”. The project was realized with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation within the state contract № 13.521.11.1011

As a result was established the network of 9 industry prediction centers of scientific and technological development:

1. SBEI HPE “Siberian State Medical University” Ministry of Health and Medicine of the Russian Federation – Life Sciences Prediction Center of Excellence.
2. FSAEI HPE “Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant” – Molecular diagnosis.
3. SEI HPE “National Research Tomsk State University” – Bio-composite materials for medicine.
4. SEI HPE “National Research Tomsk State University” – Veterinary and agricultural technology.
5. FSBEI HPE “Saratov State University named after N. Chernishevsky” – Devices for medicine.
6. FSEI HPE “Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov” – Genomic and post-genomic technology.
7. FSEI HPE “Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov” (Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka) – Directed chemical synthesis of innovative medicines.
8. FSEI HPE “Moscow State University named after M. Lomonosov” – Regenerative medicine.

9. “Puschino State Institute of Sciences” (Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences) – Biopharmaceutical drugs.

At the present time the expert network of industry prediction centers includes 429 specialists of different profile.

In the course of expert research and monitoring conducted within the network of industry prediction centers, the global challenges (trends) in which Russia could use the available resources and competences were analyzed. Trends of threats to Russia were identified, also were identified the issues to be solved for the successful implementation of the development strategy of the Russian health care and for achieving the planned indicators for life time, mortality reduction, etc. There were formed thematic areas that need to be developed in Russia to respond to every challenge. To identify the thematic areas prospective markets of medicine and health care were defined, the prediction of their entry was formed, the evaluation of national competencies in these markets was made, as well as radical product lines were formulated. On the basis of research and monitoring results a series of information, analytical and predicting materials in priority areas of medicine and health care was prepared. In 2013, a working group on long-term technology prediction and analytics was established in the “Technology Platform” Medicine of the Future” Non-commercial partnership, the objectives of the group are to conduct prediction studies for the platform, and monitoring of scientific and technological advancement of corresponding to the subject of strategic research program, as well as coordination of the network of industry prediction centers.

Scientific publications of TP “Medicine of the Future” experts


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